Thank you for taking the time to check out the website for St Paul's Church in Monton. The church can be found on Egerton Road, Monton M30 9LR 

Should you wish to know more about St Paul's, arrange a baptism/christening, a wedding or for any other enquiry please come to any Sunday Morning service and speak to our wardens John Sharp after the service. 

Or contact  Rev Jez Wisdom           jez.wisdom@ecclesteamministry.org.uk

Sunday Services:  9.30 Holy Communion

 News  & Events

We are re-doing the list of Readers and people to lead the intersessions. So, if anyone is interested in helping with either of these. Please contact John Sharp

There is an opportunity for members of you congregation to take part or contribute to a photography project. They are currently working on a project called Picturing Eccles which is supported by the local council and Open Eye Gallery.  The project is about asking local people who live, work, worship or visit Eccles to submit images taken recently or in the past that will form a collection, that will give people the opportunity to see Eccles through the eyes of people with an association with the town.


Images donated to the project will be displayed in several ways to celebrate Eccles as the redevelopment of the town centre goes through its different stages.  We have not decided upon all the ways we are going to show the images this will be determined when they have all been collected or taken.

 Safeguarding is important to all Anglican Churches including here at St Paul's Monton. We aim to create a safe environment where children and young people are nurtured and protected and where all people, especially those who may be vulnerable for any reason, are able to worship and pursue their faith journey with encouragement and safety. For more information and contact details please see our Safeguarding Page